Thursday, April 26, 2012


How can Spreadsheets be useful for modeling activities. Give an example. List several examples of mathematical modeling.


  1. Spreadsheets can be useful for modeling activities as it gives students a visual example of what certain percentages are pertaining to math in particular. Some examples would be using a pie chart, bar graph, scatter plot, line chart, more complex equations that would be too difficult to do on paper, and sorting numbers more easily are all things that can be done to show students visually what is being asked.

    1. Spreadsheets can be used to show data. They are great visual aids for students. It is a great way to show a student all their grades and teach them ways the data can be analyzed. The data can then be converted into graphs or charts. Spreadsheets are a great tool in Math to teach as well. You can teach students how to program cells in spreadsheets to calculate the answer to math equations.

  2. I agree that using spread sheets is a good way to give a visual idea of the depth of the information a person is researching. Students learn in different ways and it is important to introduce information in alternative ways . it is used everywhere today. Even the media use it for reporting information to consumers about medical epidemics to average car crashes in a particular area, which they gather from the State. In school we use it most in math for measuring data and statistic information.

    1. Spreadsheets can be very useful because it allows information to become visible, understandable, makes tasks easier, and allows the viewer to see changes in the data. For example a spreadsheet of gas prices from 2009-2012. Some mathematical modeling are: spreadsheets, pie chart, bar graph, scatter plot, and line chart.
